The Baffler: “Go Jump in a Snake Pit,” forthcoming.
Bat City Review: “The Hamster,” forthcoming.
The Chicago Review: “U Ugly” and “Snow Plow,” forthcoming.
Bennington Review: “In the History of the Glass Hospital Universe,” “To Do,” and “The Top 14 Things to Do in Manhattan, Kansas,” forthcoming.
BLIMP Biannual Journal: “Old Friends,” 2024.
R&R: “The Most Beautiful Thing About Me,” & “I Am a Dumb Girl,” 2024
Bat City Review: “The Modest Chicken Nugget,” 2022.
The Yale Review: “Western,” 2022.
Poetry Daily’s Poet of the Day series: “Estranged Mother,” 2021.
The Columbia Review: “Wood,” 2020.
Prelude: “TO: Iz (No Subject),” 2020.
Black Warrior Review: “Elegy,” 2020.
Bennington Review: “I’m Piss Witch,” 2020.
The Iowa Review: "David Trinidad: An Interview Under the Influence," 2020.
New York Public Library Poem In Your Pocket Day: “More Soon,” 2020.
The Volta: “Walking Sticks,” “Estranged Mother,” & “RE: No Action Required (The Abridged Version),” 2020.
BOAAT: “What Kindergarten and Partial Hospitalization Have in Common,”2020.
Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts: “King Midas,” & “No Appreciation For the Work of the Hand,” 2020.
The Iowa Review: "Interview with Susan Steinberg," 2019.
The Iowa Review: “Interview with Bruna Dantas Lobato,” 2018.
Corriere della Sera: “We, the Pony Mafia, Nod Our Heads in Unison,” 2018.
Hobart: “This Kind of Alone Will Help Me,” & “The Moonfish,” 2017.
New York Tyrant: “Queen of the Little Stinkers,” “Haha,” & “Eight,” 2017.
Bennington Review: “Samuel Amadon in Conversation with Bennington Review,” 2017.